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Hangar website provides downloadable German materials, which can only be used for rendering of interior design renderings, and shall not be used for other commercial purposes without the written authorization of hangar.
The model downloaded on this page is in *. Max format, which needs to be opened and used by 3ds max 2009 and above. Because some products have a lot of material options, and the model itself has no mapping, please download the product mapping material package through the following link and select the appropriate mapping application.
This cabinet is petite and has an open compartment and a drawer. It is made of baking varnished board reviewing veneer board, beautiful and elegant, harmonious and lustrous color, strong and durable. The partition design meets your more needs, and can be placed at will. The design of the cabinet legs is unique and unique. It can reflect the modern beauty in the details, and make the home life more beautiful and energetic.
Painted door panel